The Healthy Way to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Are you just like the millions of women out there that have this horribly stubborn, unsightly belly fat that just will not go away? Well welcome to the club! It’s a curse that women are affected by and it takes all the methods to get the belly fat to go away.

There’s all those awful slang words for… muffin top, spare tire and so on. We’ll let me tell you that there is a solution out there for you. It is not the quick and easy fix that all those diet pills promise you. And they don’t work anyway!

It’s everything that you should already know. Diet and exercise! DUH! There is a certain way of dieting and exercising than can lose weight fast and focus on that certain stubborn part of the body.

First of all, do you have any of that nasty bloating? It’s the worse isn’t it! Well all of that is caused by all the toxins and starches that we shove in our bodies every day. Think of the bloating as a rejection to the horrible things you are putting and think of your body as a temple.

First things, first. Try doing a body cleanse for at least a week. You can do it! Just think one week is nothing compared to lifetime of being unhealthy and feeling bad about yourself and just feeling bad in general.

It is not that hard all you have to do is cut out sugar and all the processed junk food and all the preservatives out of your body. If is it not fresh it is not allowed in the week long body cleanse. Your one week body cleanse should include: chicken and eggs for protein, fruits and vegetables for vitamins, yogurt for calcium and probiotics. So eat your greens! And drink a lot of water! You should get 8 sixteen ounce glasses of water in a day. Just carry a water bottle around with you every day, everywhere you go. To work, shopping, everywhere! Just do this for a week and see how great you feel.

Now for the targeted specific exercises that you need to lose that stubborn belly fat. You need cardio before you targeted exercises to get you warmed up and to get your blood moving. So what you need to do is twenty minutes of cardio exercises. Whether it is fast walking on the treadmill or even running, whatever you can handle. Spending time on the elliptical, jumping rope, whatever is it as long as you get the rate up and get your body moving.

On day one do two sets of ten for the Bicycle. You basically lay on your back and lift your legs and move them as if you were riding a bicycle. Not fast thou, slowly. Then touch your left elbow to your right knee as you are doing the bicycle and vice versa. Touch your right elbow to you left knee. Do ten reps the rest for ten seconds and do ten more.

Then do V’s. You lay on your back with legs straight and arms straight over your head on a yoga mat or soft surface. Lift your legs and arms at the same time to form a v. Lower slowly and rise slowly. Do ten reps rest for 10 seconds and do ten more.

Do kick ups. You stand in front of something sturdy and waist high. Support yourself with your hands and lift your leg behind you as if you were kicking something behind you. Hold for a couple seconds and repeat with other leg. Do two sets of ten.

On the second day stay with two sets. On the third day up to 3 sets of reps. Continue until the fifth day and up it to 4 reps. Keep it up and feel your body getting stronger and you waist getting smaller!

Category: men's belly fat