Belly Fat – How Can You Really Lose the Belly Fat?

Are you a little thick around the middle? Do you feel as though you have a mushroom? Like your belly fat is spilling out of your jeans? Some people call this look a mushroom or a muffin top, no matter what you call it, look like you are falling out of your jeans is not attractive. You need to do something about your belly fat.

The first step to losing excess fat around the middle is cut back on calories and to step up your exercise routine, which is easier said than done.

In order to lose fat around the waist you will have to consume less calories than what your body needs. By consuming less calories you will lose weight, some of that weight will be from your waist. Unfortunately it’s not possible to isolate where your body will drop the weight from.

Drinking beer is often the cause of a “beer belly”. Beer belly’s aren’t sexy on anyone. Alcohol is full of calories and can cause bloating. If you like drinking mixed drinks, the alcohol is often mixed with sugary drinks or juices, which help to contribute to an expanding waistline. Cut back or eliminate all alcoholic beverages.

Foods full of sugar are just empty calories and can actually make you feel more hungry. Cut back or eliminate foods full of sugars.

Another way to speed up the process of losing belly fat is to start or step up your current exercise routine. Just going for daily 30 minute walks can help your waistline. Routine exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore and you don’t have to exercise for long periods of time either. Get yourself a pedometer and aim for taking 10,000 steps per day and you will see a dramatic difference in your look. You will have a sexier trimmer waist.